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Living Room Festival in Watermael-Boitsfort: looking for gardens

Square des Archiducs and Cité-Jardin
19 February 2021

After 15 editions in different districts of Brussels, the Living Room Festival finally settles in the Archiducs and Cité-Jardin neighborhood in Watermael-Boitsfort! On Saturday May 9, ten residents will open the doors of their living room to host a concert of world music and make the neighborhood vibrate. Come and discover artists from different backgrounds and meet the neighbors, spectators and volunteers at the festival.


Do you want to open your living room to a world music concert? Contact us! Do you live in the Square des Archiducs neighborhood? Do you know someone who lives there? Do you want to host a concert of traditional world music as well as a small audience in your home?

Do not hesitate any longer and send an email to livingroom (at) muziekpublique.be or call 02 / 217.26.00, we will be happy to answer your questions.


In partnership with the CPAS of Watermael-Boitsfort, l’asbl Vivre Chez Soi, La Vénerie and Gemeenschapscentrum WaBo