Courses overview

Folk ball ensemble

Marieke Van Ransbeeck
MABO - Lycée Maria-Boodschap - Rue de la Braie 22, 1000 Bruxelles

the course

Welcome to the folk ball ensemble! Bagpipe player Marieke van Ransbeeck takes over the ensemble this year with great enthusiasm. You will learn melodies most commonly used in folk dances: scottish, rondeau, mazurka, bourrée, waltz, polska and many others. The specific groove of certain traditions and dance steps, as well as the embellishments and accompaniments typical of each region, are explored in depth. The repertoire is learned by ear and the focus is on the fun of playing together, working out arrangements, daring to make mistakes … There is also room for improvisation. At various times throughout the year, jams and small folk balls/concerts will be organised with the dance students of Frisse Folk!

for who?

Everyone is welcome provided a basic knowledge of your instrument. For accompanying instruments, a basic knowledge of chords is required. Music theory is not compulsory. Any questions? Contact Muziekpublique for more info at

Marieke Van Ransbeeck

Marieke Van Ransbeeck is a professional folk musician, baroque musician, composer and arranger. With her bagpipes she performs with various national and international folk and baroque projects. She mainly plays the Flemish bagpipes, Baroque Musette and Swedish bagpipes. Marieke completed her artistic studies in Belgium (LUCA School of Arts, Campus Lemmens) and in the Nordic countries as part of the high-profile Nordic Master in Folk Music.

Marieke and folk music go way back. She has her roots in the Belgian folk music scene, where she completely fell in love with folk/traditional music and dance. Her mission is to share folk music vibes all over the world. Her motto: “Bring folk to the people !”

 Besides being a musician, Marieke has teaching experience : instrument lessons but also folk music, folk dance, ensemble and arrangement.

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Inscriptions open on August 7 2024!

Come and discover this course during the free session on Wednesday 18 September 2024 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

Ensemble (5 courses/cycle):

  • Wednesday: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

The dates of the second and third cycle will be published later.

Registration is required from the second course of the cycle. 


MABO - Lycée Maria-Boodschap
Rue de la Braie 22, 1000 Bruxelles


To register for a course, membership of Muziekpublique is mandatory.

Do you not have a membership card yet? Click here to add a membership card to the shopping cart.

If necessary the teacher can vary the calendar in consultation with the course members.


Cycle 1
€ 135
Cycle 2
€ 135
For the whole year € 330
