Concerts overview

The Wind Rose

Arianna Savall, Petter Udland Johansen, Tristan Driessens, Efren Lopez
Saturday 16 October 2021 - 20h00
Molière Theatre - Galerie de la Porte de Namur, 3 Square du Bastion, 1050 Bruxelles
SAT 16/10

The wind Rose is a musical journey along coasts and oceans, an ode to seafarers and travellers from ancient and modern times, to their lifes, hopes and dreams. The windrose points into all cardinal points, encompassing all different cultures and places on earth in its movement. At the same time, it can be a symbol for the inner travels of the human soul which may aim into all different directions and places throughout life. In this sense, the songs on this album connect inner and outer journeying through music and poetry, just as countries and people are connected through oceans, currents and winds.


Arianna Savall – soprano, baroque triple harp, romanic harp
Petter Udland Johansen – tenor, hardingfele, baroque violin, mandolin
Tristan Driessens – ûd, lavta, voice
Efrén López – hurdy-gurdy, lutes and percussion.


ATTENTION, for this concert you will be asked to present a covid safe ticket in addition to the concert ticket.

Info: www.muziekpublique.be/coronavirus

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