Concerts overview

Broodje Brussel: Eloy Zúñiga

Sonamos Latinoamerica Festival '23
Wednesday 11 October 2023 - 12h30
Molière Theatre - Galerie de la Porte de Namur, 3 Square du Bastion, 1050 Bruxelles
WED 11/10

Here is the return of the Brussels’ festival that highlights Latin America musical traditions. Over several days and in direct connection with its Argentinian counterpart, this festival invites renowned artists to celebrate the music of multiple countries : Mexico, Brazil, Chile and Argentina.

Eloy Zúñiga known as “el zurdo” is an eminent Mexican musician, poet and singer. His main instrument is the jarana huasteca – a small guitar from the Huasteca region, the place where he grew up and whose musical tradition he keeps alive. Living in the countryside, he combines an artistic career with agriculture and the country’s reconstruction.

He has traveled America and Europe as a soloist but also as a member of the groups Tlacuatzin and La Manta, sharing the stage with Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin), Joan Báez, Guillermo Velázquez, Lila Downs, Mariana Carrizo and Augusto Bracho.

Eloy is also a fervent activist and defender of the Huasteca’s natural heritage, through the connection with the communities as wall as his radio and television spots “Huasteca Viento de Son” and “Idioma sin Olvido” (Radio Television de Veracruz, TeleUV, Instituto Veracruzano de Cultura) and other communications shared on social networks and multiple Internet medias.

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