Concerts overview

Peixe e Limão (IT/BE) & Hella (BE)

Hide & Seek Festival 2023
Thursday 24 August 2023 - 12h30
La Loge - 86 rue de l'Ermitage, 1050 Ixelles
THU 24/08

This place, dedicated to contemporary art, architecture and theory was built in 1935 at the request of the Freemason Obedience “Le Droit Humain”, the first mixed lodge in Belgium. In 1907, doctor and pedagogue Olivier Decroly, a founding member of Human Rights in Belgium, opened his first experimental school. The Lodge is the first modernist Masonic temple in Belgium, where architects Bodson and Van Hooveld expressed the progressive vision of the Obedience by breaking with the dominant traditional Egyptian Revival style. The Lodge draws its identity from the architectural gem that houses it as well as from the commitment and concerns of its founders. It promotes committed thoughts and is particularly interested in subjects of space, habitat and use.

We will present two young projects, in residence at Muziekpublique since the beginning of 2023.

The Italian-Belgian trio Peixe e Limão oscillates between folk, classical music, pop and jazz. Adorned with a cello, an acoustic guitar and a magnificent voice, this trio works with its own multilingual repertoire, in which Flavia Clementi seduces with songs inspired by Caetano Veloso, Lankum or poems by Prévert. Guitarist Thomas Van Bogaert and cellist Federico Bragetti offer pretty melodies, pleasing to the ear, taking turns in a direction tinged with surprising rhythmic arrangements. They offer a wide range of lyrical music from the south, in various languages, and depict a journey through South America, Italy, France, Spain and more… This cross-cultural encounter between artists who share the same love for lyrical and poetic music will take you into an universe populated by sweet melodies and dancing grooves.


Flavia Clementi: vocals
Thomas Van Bogaert: guitar
Federico Bragetti: cello

Hella is an a cappella folk ensemble made of singers Eline De Coninck, Kalinka Verschraegen, Lotte Pauwels and Ahanna Verschraegen, which performs traditional Dutch compositions and arrangements. In search of a homogeneous and unique harmony, Hella is inspired by Scandinavian sounds and choral music. Let yourself be enchanted by these four female voices who deliver clear, warm and colorful melodies.


  • Eline De Coninck: vocals
  • Kalinka Verschraegen: vocals
  • Lotte Pauwels: vocals
  • Ahanna Verschraegen: vocals


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