Concerts overview

The music of Galicia

Alfaia & 100 Voltas
Wednesday 24 January 2024 - 20h00
Molière Theatre - Galerie de la Porte de Namur, 3 Square du Bastion, 1050 Bruxelles
WED 24/01

The two new projects of Verónica Codesal, singer in the Ialma group and professor at the Muziekpublique academy, will be highlighted during this evening.

Alfaia is a project at the crossroads between Galician musical culture and that of the Maghreb, combining the magnificent voice of Verónica, the warm oud sounds and the viola of Adil Benhsain. Intertwining the traditional rhythms of their two cultures. This beautiful musical adventure, which began during “Première Esquisse” of the radio program “Le Monde est un Village”, undulates between Galicia and the Maghreb in a surprising and unprecedented way. Noticeable by a repertoire of traditional music and songs , mixed with fine classic touches and reinterpreted in very personal tones. It’s beautiful, it’s delicate, it’s luminous. We can close our eyes and let go…

  • Verónica Codesal: voice, percussion
  • Adil Benhsain: oud, viola, voice, percussion


In the second project, we find Verónica alongside Damien Chierini (violin), Didier Laloy (accordion) and Boris Chango (drums). With 100 Voltas they want to show the alive side of Galician culture and its constantly evolving tradition. By choosing a repertoire that preserves the heritage of the past, they add contemporary elements and different instruments: electronic instruments, violin, diatonic accordion, etc. Through traditional texts, personal poetic writings or even works by contemporary Galician authors (Lucia Aldao, Yolanda Castaño, Rosalia Fernández Rial, Brais Fernandes), they honor women, wives, mothers, daughters, friends, workers, artists and activists who are the basis of the stories into which they transport the public.

  • Veronica Codesal: vocals, percussion
  • Damien Chierini: violin, electronics
  • Didier Laloy: accordion
  • Boris Chango: drums

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