Concerts overview

Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino (Italy)

Cd-release ‘Canzoniere’
Saturday 9 December 2017 - 20h00
Molière Theatre - Galerie de la Porte de Namur, 3 Square du Bastion, 1050 Bruxelles
SAT 09/12

Muziekpublique is very pleased to welcome back the Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino collective with its mad compulsion to spread the word about the joys of the tarentella and the pizzica all over the world! In southern Italy, dancing soothes, heals and restores health to both body and mind. And even if the tarantula is no longer a threat nowadays, it’s still the case that there’s no lack of good reasons for dancing!

After being on the scene for more than forty years, today the group will present its album ’Canzoniere’. While the last few albums concentrated on playing a part in the revival of the pizzica in its purest authenticity, ‘Canzoniere’ marks a willingness to embrace novelty, a meeting between ancient and modern at the crossroads represented by Apulia, the heel of the boot of Italy, a region where all knds of Mediterranean influences come together.

For this new album, Mauro Durante, the leader of the group, went in search of collaborations with some of the great names of present-day music, adding a “global” dimension to their project: Piers Facini, Ludovico Einaudi, Marco Decimo have brought their instruments to some of the pieces on the album. Full of energy, passion and mystery, CGS (as their intimates call them) will send you on a journey, through the medium of dance, from the past to the present and back again!

- Mauro Durante: vocals, tamburello, violin
- Alessia Tondo: vocals
- Giulio Bianco: bagpipes, zampogna, harmonica, recorders
- Massimiliano Morabito: diatonic accordion
- Emanuele Licci: guitar, bouzouki
- Giancarlo Paglialunga: vocals, tamburrieddhu
- Moira Cappilli: dance

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