Concerts overview

ICTM-Talk: Elina & Maria Markatatou

Mandolin and Serenade Traditions of Greece
Thursday 1 February 2024 - 19h00
Molière Theatre - Galerie de la Porte de Namur, 3 Square du Bastion, 1050 Bruxelles
THU 01/02

Elina and Maria Markatatou (Heraklion, Greece) are mandolinists, teachers and PhD students at the Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp. They specialised in classical mandolin with Professor Gerda Abts and then received a grant for a research project on the mandolin musical traditions of Greece. They have given numerous workshops and lectures on improvisation, oral playing techniques and teaching methods, and on-site research methodology.

They delve into the captivating world of Greek mandolin traditions, specifically focusing on the enchanting serenades from various regions. Four distinct types of serenades will be explored: the romantic Athenian serenades, where the mandolin weaves its melodic charm through the streets of the Greek capital, evoking emotions of love and longing. The mandolin takes center stage in Heptanesian serenades from the picturesque Ionian Islands, offering a unique blend of melancholy and joy that reflects the island’s rich cultural heritage. In Asia Minor, the mandolin-driven serenades showcase a fusion of diverse musical elements. In Cretan Mantinada, the mandolin accompanies lyrical poetry, creating a harmonious synergy of music and verse unique to the island. This session offers the opportunity to enjoy live musical performances and witness the mandolin’s versatility.

The session will be done in English (with possibilities of Dutch).

In a friendly atmosphere, seated around the tables in the foyer (bar) of the Théâtre Molière, the ICTM Talks are a program of lessons on six different musical traditions and the culture from which they originate. Each of the six sessions will be devoted to a different style of music, the repertoire and the territory associated with it, and presented by specialists from the world of the arts, academia or enthusiasts of the music style in question.

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