Concerts overview

SOLD OUT - Bal & Basta! : Duo Tanghe Coudroy, Duo Absynthe

Bal folk
Sunday 20 October 2019 - 16h00
Pianofabriek - Rue du Fort 35, 1060 Bruxelles (St Gilles)
SUN 20/10

Bal & Basta is back for all folk dance lovers!  For this return, we propose an outing with the *Duo Tanghe Courdroy*, followed by the *Duo Absynthe*.

The Duo Tanghe Coudroy: when Martin Courdroy and Aurélien Tanghe first met, in 2003, at a Belgian music festival, their jam session lasted all night. Since then, you can regularly hear them playing in concerts, folk dance balls or festivals dealing with traditional dancing and music.  Their repertoire resonates, first, with that of Brittany, to which they are both attached.  After Martin Courdroy’s stay in Sweden, the duo developed a folk dance music profoundly influenced by the Nordic culture, which plunges the listeners and dancers in an original universe.  As time went by, they pruned down their repertoire in order to keep only the essentials:  the rhythm, the movement and the pleasure of sharing!

The Duo Absynthe is also specialized in subtle dance music. They know many mazurkas, but also other musics from the folk dance repertoire, such as bourrées and polkas.  They alternate dynamic Scots music with dreamy mazurkas, expressive bourrées and heavenly waltzes.

Martin Coudroy : Guitar
Aurélien Tanghe: Accordion

Aurélien Claranbaux : Diatonic accordion
Sylvain Letourneau : Guitar

With the support of the Dutch-speaking Affairs Service of the Saint-Gilles municipality.

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